
Aubrey is a front-end developer who loves creating accessible websites using clean and modern CSS. She initially learned to code in the late 90s when her high school friends told her about this cool website called Geocities. She decided she wanted a site of her own, so she bought an HTML 4 book and taught herself the ways of code. Aubrey graduated from Indiana University with a computer science degree and started her career building custom PHP web portals for clients, eventually discovering Drupal in 2008.
Aubrey is a frequent attendee at Drupal events, enjoys contributing to the Drupal community, and is passionate about design systems, accessibility, and the latest and greatest CSS techniques.
In her spare time, Aubrey loves to knit, spin her own yarn on one of her two spinning wheels, and walk on the many trails and paths throughout western Massachusetts. She's left-handed and has always disliked it when her classmates took all the left-handed scissors in art class.