Chaz Chumley


Chaz Chumley headshot
Technology Manager, Front-end @ Forum One

Consultant, Instructor, Author, Web Developer, Trainer, and Drupalist. Chaz has been specializing in Open Source web and database development with an emphasis in responsive design. Chaz' experience has allowed him to participate in such ventures as developing Drupal training videos,  Authoring Drupal books for Packt publishing including Drupal 8 Theming with Twig, and the soon to be released Mastering Drupal 8.  Best of all is being a Technical Architect and Drupal Evangelist for Forum One.  Chaz' adventures have also led him to become an Instructor at the University of Nevada Las Vegas teaching Drupal and various web technologies as well as contributing numerous articles and presentations at NYCCampBadCamp, and DrupalCon.